Tuesday, December 22, 2009

B&N EPUB key derivation algorithm

I’ve managed to figure out the Barnes & Noble user EPUB AES key derivation algorithm. Rather than fragment things too much, I’ve just edited my previous post on B&N EPUBs and added the (for any platform) key-derivation script.

The algorithm is interesting mostly in that it isn’t very good. I mentioned in my post analyzing Adobe’s ADEPT system that ADEPT is a fairly well-designed cryptographic system, even if not a very effective DRM system. Adobe used all standard algorithms applied in standards ways and glued together with standard plumbing. Barnes and Noble’s key derivation algorithm in contrast is neither effective at increasing obfuscation nor shows much awareness of cryptographic standards.

Cryptography is hard. Do you know how different configurations of your chosen algorithms can make them more or less resistant to side-channel attacks? Do you understand why RSA Laboratories switched the recommended RSA padding scheme in PKCS#1 to OAEP? Do you know the implications of different block cipher modes of operation and why or why not you should choose a mode which includes integrity protection? These questions represent a random sampler platter of things you should just know in your bones before you do anything close to designing a cryptosystem. For everyone else – a category in which I include myself – there are well-reviewed, well-tested algorithms presented in standards documents published by such organizations as RSA Laboratories and the IETF.

For key derivation from non-random source data, there is in particular the PBKDF2 (Password-Based Key Derivation Function) published in PKCS#5. My point is not that the key-derivation algorithm used by B&N necessarily has cryptographically undesirable properties (although its computation speed makes brute-force attacks more plausible), but that the fact that they rolled their own instead of reaching for PBKDF2 shows a marked lack of cryptographic savvy.

On the DRM-as-obfuscation end this algorithm similarly come up short. The multiple steps involved demonstrate some level of attempt to introduce complexity, but in the resulting binary all those steps are in one place. The entire algorithm boils down to one function calling a handful of easily-labeled subroutines (sha1_wrapper, normalize_name, aes_encrypt, etc).

I really am starting to think that e-book format providers actively want their DRM schemes to be broken.


  1. How's that "other experiment" going? You know, the one about "gems"?

  2. Hi,

    I'm having issues with this. I have Vista 64 bit. Here is what I did, step by step:
    1. Downloaded PyThon 2.6.4, and installed it to it's default install location.
    2. Downloaded PyCrypto v2.1.0, and installed to it's default location.
    3. Installed the BN Reader Software to a default location.
    4. Downloaded the three scripts, and renamed them as suggested.

    Now, I'm having a few issues.
    1. Running ignoblekey.pyw, I get this error: "Problem locating B&N Reader DB"
    2. If I do the ignoblekeygen.pyw script, I enter my user ID and CC#, and it creates a new file successfully. Then, when I run the ignobleepub.pyw script, choose my book, and select output (ex: book.epub), I get the error "Key cannot be the null string".

    Please help!

  3. I think that the people at BN that write the key-generation schemes feel the same as one of the people that commented on your previous post. (DRM != good && Copyright == good)

  4. Any Chance you've got a decryption script for Sony Reader EPUB formats? Or is it the same as any of the others you've released thus far?

  5. I am having trouble loading pccrypto, keeps locking up. I have python 2.6. Any sugestions?

  6. I think that this hack doesn't work any more - there is no *.db file in the B&N folder that I can find, even after the app has been installed, a book opened, and the app closed. Shame.

  7. Adam, the .db file is under the Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Barnes & Noble\DesktopReader directory. The ignoblekey file is looking for ClientAPI_*.db, but there is no underscore or anything following any longer. You can edit the ignoblekey file so that it does not reference the underscore, but I still haven't gotten past the "key cannot be null string" that John mentioned earlier.

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  11. The keygen and decrypt worked like a charm under Ubuntu Linux 64-bit with python, python-tk and python-crypto installed.

    Thank you!

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