In a move sure to leave consumers scratching their heads (especially the ones already wondering why they bought a Nook), Barnes & Noble has decided to implement their own DRM scheme for EPUB books. They partnered with Adobe to do it (it’s a variant of their ADEPT scheme), and all the Adobe SDK users will get access to it eventually. But for now much hilarity ensues as consumers buy books they can’t read on their devices.
The basic idea behind the B&N EPUB scheme is the same as that used by the ill-fated eReader format B&N acquired – step 1: generate an encryption key from the book-purchaser’s name + credit card #; step 2: hope that they don’t like giving that information out to strangers. They like to call this a form of “social DRM,” although I believe a more appropriate term is “silly.”
It would be very bad form for an application to keep user CC#s just sitting around on disk, so the Windows version of the Barnes & Noble Desktop Reader application (BDReader) just holds on to the generated key and not the source info. A wise decision, for which I congratulate them. It then stores this key in plain text in a sqlite3 database. An... interesting... decision, for which I thank them. Update: and then it turned out the key-generation algorithm was pretty easy too...
So now three scripts:
A Windows-only key-retrieval script: ignoblekey (version 2)
An any-platform key-generation script: ignoblekeygen (version 1)
And an any-platform book-decryption script: ignobleepub (version 1)
You need the decryption script and one of either the key-retrieval or key-generation scripts. They produce the same output, and the key-generator works on any platform, but I released the Windows key-retrieval script first and will leave it up for Windows users who’d rather not give their credit card number to random programs they download off the Internet (despite being a source-visible script and all).
For good only, please.
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Worked great. Thanks for everything.
ReplyDeleteBe advised in the US this is a violation of the DMCA - you have circumvented protections.
ReplyDeletePersonally though I think this should be classified as "FAIR USE" - Really, what person is going to buy 1000 B&N books because they want to strip the DRM and release them as pirated copies?
Thank you! I despise DRM and think it should be banned, but support copyright with all I've got.
ReplyDeleteThank you!
I'm getting "Error: Problem decoding key; unexpected DB format?" after running ignoblekey.pyw.
ReplyDeleteMy clientapi file is: ClientAPI_v012.db
Can you help?
OK, if anyone else has a similar problem: remove the ClientAPI_v012.db file and run B&N eReader and then close it.
Thank you. A friend of mine calls these "digital crowbars", and says "use them only for good."
ReplyDeleteTHIS crowbar worked perfectly right out of the box.
Is there any way to use these scripts without having to install this questionable PyCrypto software?
ReplyDeleteI get an error when using ignoblekey.pyw stating,
ReplyDelete"Error: B&N user key not found; unexpected DB format?"
Help please.
Okay, I got it working. Only now the DRM stripped epub isn't working. It won't be recognized by anything.
ReplyDeleteEverything worked great for me and I just wanted to say thank you for saving my $10. I bought an eBook from B&N, intending on putting it on my Sony Reader that I got for Christmas only to find out that it wasn't capatible. And of course, you have to dig quite deep to be clued into this on their website. Thank you so much!!!
@Michael; PyCrypto is the de facto standard Python cryptographic algorithms implementation. So no.
ReplyDeleteWhen we have the "Error:B&N user key not; unexpected DB format?" What did you did to make it work ?
ReplyDelete@Mary; You can either find and delete your 'ClientAPI_v012.db' file then re-authorize BDReader with your account information, or just use the key-derivation script (ignoblekeygen). Both ignoblekey and ignoblekeygen will produce the same output when they work correctly.
ReplyDeleteAlright, I went through everything including the ignoblekey and it worked for 2 books (which came free with my account on B&N but it will not convert the book I purchased. The error I am getting is: "Error: Problem decrypting session key" I have tried using both my credit card number and the gift card number...still no luck. My Sony Reader I got for Christmas still will not work. Help?
ReplyDelete@MLCarr; "Problem decrypting session key" is not an error ignobleepub can produce. Are you sure you aren't accidentally using ineptepub instead?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI am confusing myself, sorry I may be an engineer but I know nothing about computers! Here is what I have done:
ReplyDelete1. downloaded python and what other program was necessary
2. created the adeptkey
3. tried...unsuccessfully...
4. saved and ran ignoblekeygen, successful.
5. tried running ineptepub again. Results were successful on public domain novels, but not the one I purchased. This was when I got the "Problem decrypting session key" error.
I will say that with the other books I still get the funky "Not an ADEPT EPUB" error. For some reason it still works even on my Sony Reader...
@MLCarr; Your main problem appears to be ignoblekey vs. ineptkey and ignobleepub vs. ineptepub. The default Adobe ADEPT EPUB DRM scheme and B&N EPUB DRM scheme are very simiar, but different. The 'inept' scripts will handle books you download via Digital Editions. The 'ignoble' scripts will handle books downloaded via the B&N website or Desktop Reader application. You cannot mix and match. Secondly, if you get "Not an ADEPT EPUB" errors, the book in question is likely already DRM-free in the first place.
ReplyDeleteAwesome, that worked perfectly. Thank you! The only problem I am still having is that when I open my Sony Reader program it says that my computer is not authorized to preview (or view) the page/book. This is the same error that I thought was related to B&N being stupid...maybe it is a different problem all together.
ReplyDeletei need help with the b&n key. i got the pdf to work but when I double click any of the b&n scripts it does certificate.. please dumb it down for me. i spend all day yesterday trying to figure it out.
ReplyDeletei have sony prs 300. do i need to download the b&N reader for it to work?
ReplyDeleteI feel like a complete failure on trying to get this to work. I have the python 2.6 installed and downloaded all the need files.
ReplyDeleteNothing seems to do anything when I double click the ignobleekey script file.
Also when I try the ignobleepub the input screen appears. Not sure what to place in each box, but when I place the script name ignobleeky in the first one and name of book in next to, I get "Key cannot be null string". Please help!!!
Thanks i<3cabbage its close to working-
ReplyDeleteHowever the files i download from bn are pdb files not epub- is there a difference? can i just rename extension?
ignoblekey and ignoblekeygen dont give the same key for me- maybe i am putting my name in differently then it wants or something.
in anycase i get an error: File is not a zip file from ignobleepub the key file seems fine- it opens with zip and all. Renameing extension to zip didnt help.
BTW @angle and eric you can try this install python then put the pythan install dir in your windows path -right click on my computer advanced edit environment variable. then open a command prompt and run
python -s ignoblekey.pyw
Ok im gettin with the program- i just bought ebooks like 3 weeks ago from bn and didnt realize they changed the format from pdb to epub since then.
ReplyDeleteWell R I have the same problem (.pdb not .epub) with one of the books I purchased, so we'll see. I'll wait for an answer from i<3cabbages on that one too.
ReplyDelete@MLCarr, R; B&N is in the process of switching to all-EPUB. If you get an eReader format book (file downloaded with the .pdb extension) then darkreverser's 'ereader2html' will do what you need.
ReplyDelete@R; Not producing the same key? Could you e-mail me your name? It's possible/likely that I'm not handling non-ASCII characters properly in ignoblekeygen, in which case ignoblekey should be correct.
@Eric; It sounds like your copy of ignoblekey/ignoblekeygen. Please re-download via the "download" link on the pastie page. When they run correctly, they should produce a file named bnepubkey.b64, which is what you provide as the "key file" parameter to ignobleepub. seems to have worked!!
ReplyDeleteOk Thanks -
ReplyDeleteActually there is no problem. Keys are the same- Use your b&n user name NOT whats on your credit card.
I figured it all out! Make sure when you go to the pasties you hit download on the side. if you try to copy and paste into notepad cause you didn't see the download button it will mess up the program buy putting all the line numbers before it even begins to put the programing and it will not space the programming properly. It is easier to use the keygen.
ReplyDeletehi, will this python script run on the mac with version 2.5?
ReplyDeleteI got "Error: Problem decoding key; unexpected DB format?" while trying to run ignoblekey.pyw. I couldn't find this ClientAPI file that some people were talking about.
ReplyDeleteThanks alot for this circumventing, finally I can read my newbought books on my mobile with mobipocket reader :)
ReplyDeleteThank you first of all for posting this for us.I am having some trouble with ebooks purchased through a gift card though.I downloaded one yesterday (it's in .pdb format) and ereader2html doesn't work with it.I am getting an error (invalid name or credit card).I tried entering my entire gift card number, different permutations of my name but nothing seems to be working.Any ideas?
ReplyDeleteEDIT: Nevermind, it worked.
ReplyDelete"B&N is in the process of switching to all-EPUB."
ReplyDeleteReally? 8 of the 9 books I've bought are offered as .pdb downloads right now (and the 9th is a "Free" version of Pride and Prejudice -- I'm not even sure if it's encrypted). ereader2html works on the pdb files, but I'm surprised more of the paid books aren't epub.
Colin M.
ReplyDeleteBuy a new book and you will see that's it EPUB (example J.D. Robb's Trial By Fire). Once Sony announced they were converting, it took months. But they only offered EPUB when they were completely done, whereas BandN are offering them one at a time.
I love you!! Thank you!! I have a Kindle and I got a BN gift card for Christmas. I figured it wouldn't be too hard to convert their books, since I'd already used the kindle method and backed up all my books in different formats. The first book I downloaded was pdb. Figured that one out, then managed to download one in epub. Are ya friggin' kidding me?!?
ReplyDeleteYou're awesome, really.
I just started fooling around with this code and noticed (when I installed python and PyCrypto) that a new version and new maintainer of the latter software is available. The link is: Enjoy.
ReplyDelete@Ruminator; dlitz is the new PyCrypto source maintainer, but neither he nor the original source maintainer provide binary packages. AFAIK, the link I provided is still the best place to go for Windows binary packages of PyCrypto.
ReplyDeletehelp!! I get "Error: File is not a zip file" What do I do???
ReplyDeleteAll my B&N files are in the good-for-nothing .pdb format and Darkreverser's script isn't working for me. Is there another way to get around the .pdb files?
ReplyDeleteI used calibre to covert a B&N .pdb book to epub.
ReplyDeleteI'm having issues with this. I have Vista 64 bit. Here is what I did, step by step:
1. Downloaded PyThon 2.6.4, and installed it to it's default install location.
2. Downloaded PyCrypto v2.1.0, and installed to it's default location.
3. Installed the BN Reader Software to a default location.
4. Downloaded the three scripts, and renamed them as suggested.
Now, I'm having a few issues.
1. Running ignoblekey.pyw, I get this error: "Problem locating B&N Reader DB"
2. If I do the ignoblekeygen.pyw script, I enter my user ID and CC#, and it creates a new file successfully. Then, when I run the ignobleepub.pyw script, choose my book, and select output (ex: book.epub), I get the error "Key cannot be the null string".
Please help!
Oh, and please bear in mind, this is the first time I have ever tried anything with Python and scripts :)
ReplyDelete@i<3cabbages, MLCarr, & R how did you get the pdb to convert to epub. everything i trry doesn't work. and the windows flash so fast and do nothing.
ReplyDeletecan i get a step by step. i have 4 pdb books i'd like to convert, and your help would be greatly appreciated.
I am having the same problem as John with the db file not being found, however when I try to run the keygen script to enter my own info, nothing happens. I'm running vista64 and wonder if the script's location is different than that of my setup (roaming/barnes & Noble/desktop reader). I'm checking the script.
OK, so there's an error in the raw script of the keygen, so I copied/pasted and got the script to work and bring up the keyfile generator; filled the info to create keyfile. I then ran the pub.pyw and entered what I thought was the correct info and it gives me an error: file is not a zip file. I don't know which file it's talking about. The BN file is a .pdb and my output file is a .epub.
ReplyDeleteI need a little help... This is way over my head.
I'm having the same exact problems as John and 4shoppingonly too...
ReplyDeleteOK, after reading through the posts again, I discovered my problem was that my file is a .pdb not an .epub. So I needed to use "ereader2html" to remove the drm. It took me a while to find and work it, but once I figured it out my .pdb became a non-drm html that I was able to successfully import into both Calibre and Mobipocket Reader; and get onto my ebook (CyBook Gen3). So, I'm a happy camper :). Thanks to everyone here for their posts and especially to ILoveCabbages for starting this whole thing.
well I get "key cannot be a null string" and I've done this setup correctly multiple times, and It is not a .pdb file.. downloaded as an epub.. any idea ?
ReplyDeleteCould we be having issues with it finding the B&N DB file, because we have Vista 64 bit, and it's located in Program Files (x86) instead of just Program Files?
ReplyDeleteJohn, I don't think so; both of my Windows 7 installations are 32-bit... Or maybe Windows 7 and Vista 64 might move the library?
ReplyDeleteI'm not entirely sure, I know nothing of programming, Python, and the like. I was just guessing. I did get the KeyGen to work, but Key Retrievel, on two different Vista 64 bit (1 Ultimate, 1 Premium), did not work. Same error.
ReplyDeleteHELP I am really lost. Novice at this. need a step by step for dummies. I downloaded python and the other. Don't know how to, or with what to save the script. I really am not this dumb. but HELP PLEASE
ReplyDeleteMost excellent. Now, do you have a way to dedrm the B&N PDB format? Most of their ebooks seem to be in that format.
Anyone know where to get a current, working copy of ereader2html?
Here's ereader2html and other files:
ReplyDeleteAnd here's the guy's blog:
Though I haven't gotten it working either...
Dude, you are great! INEPT, SWINDLE, IGNOBLE.
ReplyDeleteKind of a genius.
Here.. cabbage for you. You've earned it!!
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bah! preview sucks...
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOk. So I got the nook downloaded 2 books (one 8 bucks and one for a dollar) super sucked, hattttttttted it, so I returned it and got the kindle. Love the kindle, but I have read through this and the whole other discussion on epub's and tried everrrrrything! I have no idea what I am doing wrong, but am not completely familiar with all this either. All I know is I do not want any more of my money to waste (already had to pay a stupid re-stocking fee to get rid of the dang nook)..i also get the null error, but I read what Eric said ealier and I<3cabbage's response, tried it, but it still wasn't working. Help!
ReplyDeleteAnything for .pdb books, everything i've bought so far has been .pdb books
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the work helping people own the books they paid for.
I finally found and that works fine. I'd rather have it just output an unDRMed .pdb but calibre can easly convert it back, or to a .epub.
I found which is the same as except it doesn't convert the PML to HTML you can then take the PML source and make it back into a .pdb with Dropbook
ReplyDeleteBut since I'm not Linux i just used calibre to convert the PML it into an epub and all the formatting and TOC was perfect, unlike when i tried to convert the html to epub.
I want to be able to change ereader format so my wife can read my Nook ebooks on her Kindle2. This is totally new to me but I managed to generate the key. But when I run ignobleepub.pyw I get the message "error: Key cannot be the null string". It seems like a couple of other people are having this problem but I have not seen a solution. I have Windows7 so I tried both the 32bit and 64bit versions of the softwares with the same results. I also tried running the programs on my WinXP laptop with the exact same results. I downloaded the scripts several time but I can not get pass that error message. I wish someone could please tell me what I may doing wrong. Thank you very much.
ReplyDeleteI found out why I was getting that Key cannot be the null string error. In the ignobleepub menu I was using my B&N user name instead of my real name. I tried it with my new name today and it worked perfectly. So for the others that are getting that error message, if you are not using your real name that could be the problem.
ReplyDeleteSo there is no confusion. In the last post I should have said I tried it with my real name not my new name. I need to read these things better before I post them.
ReplyDeleteI haven't used the new version, but most ebooks that use your name and credit card number use the name that is on the credit card to decrypt.
ReplyDeleteYou are correct. That was the problem. I should have used my real name which of course is the name on my CC.
I am generating the key then when i go to decrypt the file i get filename.epub: not an B&N ADEPT EPUB
ReplyDeleteTried this on a Windows 7 machine and a Windows XP machine. Both failed with
ReplyDeleteError: Problem locating B&N Reader DB.
I edited the script to point to the specific DB file and got:
Error: B&N user key not found; unexpected DB format?
I used IDLE to step through the python and when I got the file read into a variable, there was no instance of 'uhk00000000' in the data, so I gave up.
ReplyDeletewhen I run ignoblekey i get this
Traceback [most recent call last]:
File"ihnoblekey.pyw",line93,in gui_main
File"ignoblekey.pyw",line68,in find_bnclientdb_path
File".usr/lib/python2.6/",line22, in_getitem_
any idea??
ahh don't worry about it ..I'm a idiot
ReplyDeleteI found what I was doing wrong and the problem was
I'm an idiot
I brought a ebook from Barnes and Noble. I am not able to copy and paste to an external document. I don't know why. Is there a way?
ReplyDeleteI am trying to run the ignoblekeygen script and it is not recognizing my name and password. I am using the current Credit card on file with my Barnes and Noble account. I am getting an (ERRNO 13) Permission Denied: bnepubkey.b64.
ReplyDeleteI also tried to use the ignoblekey script and it cannot find the BD Database. Any suggestions for either of these errors?
I tried using it on Sony epub files and the pub script failed with the error "problem decrypting session key". No output file was generated.
ReplyDeleteThe pdf script version worked fine on an Adobe File with the pdf script (so I know Python and decrypts work), but with the epub script and Sony downloaded "Digital Editions" will not decrypt.
Could it be the document is not encrypted? This doc will not read on iPad or some other devices (but read OK with the Sony Reader I previously had. Is there a conversion utility to PDF that I can try? Any other suggestions?
These are invaluable tools, especially if I can get them to work. I recently purchased a DRM-protected ePub from B&N. Wanting to allow my wife to read it on one of our Kindles, I innocently went hunting for conversion tools. Sigh!!
ReplyDeleteHaving nor found these tools, which look very promising, I'm encountering a problem.
This is a 32-bit Vista Ultimate system. When I run "python -s ignoblekeygen.pyw" in a command window I get a mountain of complaints. I have installed the current production version of Python, 2.6.5, and the recommended v2.1.0 of PCCrypto. Both installed without complaint. Python appears properly in the PATH EV. When I issue the above command, I get the following error stack from the .pyw script:
C:\Users\Peter\Documents\My Barnes & Noble eBooks\>python -s ignoblekeygen.pyw
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "ignoblekeygen.pyw", line 147, in
File "ignoblekeygen.pyw", line 129, in gui_main
root = Tkinter.Tk()
File "C:\Python26\lib\lib-tk\", line 1643, in __init__ = _tkinter.create(screenName, baseName, className, interactive, wantobjects, useTk, sync, use)
_tkinter.TclError: Can't find a usable init.tcl in the following directories:
{C:\Python26\tcl\tcl8.5} C:/Python26/lib/tcl8.5 C:/lib/tcl8.5 C:/lib/tcl8.5 C:/library C:/library C:/tcl8.5.7/library C:/tcl8.5.7/library
C:/Python26/tcl/tcl8.5/init.tcl: version conflict for package "Tcl": have 8.5.7, need exactly 8.5.2
version conflict for package "Tcl": have 8.5.7, need exactly 8.5.2
while executing
"package require -exact Tcl 8.5.2"
(file "C:/Python26/tcl/tcl8.5/init.tcl" line 20)
invoked from within
"source C:/Python26/tcl/tcl8.5/init.tcl"
("uplevel" body line 1)
invoked from within
"uplevel #0 [list source $tclfile]"
This probably means that Tcl wasn't installed properly during the Python installation. Does that make sense?
My obvious guess is there's a version incompatibility, since the init.tcl file referenced is both present and came from the properly signed distribution.
What would any of you recommend?
Further about the above problem, when I re-installed Python 2.6.4 (Hey, I'm desperate here!) I see exactly the same error message stack. It's my assumption that the specific TCL Version 8.5.2 request is not part of the .pyw scripts, but I've not tried to look at them very closely. Is it, perhaps?
ReplyDeleteDuh!!!! Never mind! Once I figured out the proper parameters to enter (via the internal USAGE displays), I began to get some results.
ReplyDeleteI appear to have successfully generated a BN_Key.aes file using my values.
Now, when I run the ignobleepub.pyw script, I get the following message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "ignobleepub.pyw", line 234, in
File "ignobleepub.pyw", line 110, in cli_main
decryptor = Decryptor(bookkey[-16:], encryption)
File "ignobleepub.pyw", line 52, in __init__
self._aes =, AES.MODE_CBC)
ValueError: Key cannot be the null string
The invoking command string is: C:\Users\Peter\Documents\My Barnes & Noble eBooks\>python -s ignobleepub.pyw "BN_Key.aes" "deadinthe
familysooki_9781101187319.epub" "deadinthefamilysooki_9781101187319_NoDRM.epub"
I'm obviously still doing something wrong.
Any hints will be appreciated..........Peter
ReplyDeleteI too am having issues. I believe B&N changed some things about their latest reader. The Appdata directory was wrong in the script and I'm stuck on the user key error. Any updates on this issue?
I finally purchased the latest Dresden book from B&N this morning (because ebates has 11% back from B&N today, though I'm still not happy I had to pay $13 to get my Dresden fix) and within two minutes had it on my Sony 505. THANK you for an awesome set of tools. :o)
ReplyDeleteI had trouble with the Windows version of the key generator (using Vista), but the alternate version worked fine. Slight correction on the CC name--it wouldn't work with the name I had on the card, as the card has my middle initial. I had to omit the initial. You have really done us epub readers a great service--and slavaged my $10. Beautiful job--thanks.
ReplyDeleteIt's always the little things...
Working method steps:
1) python -s ignoblekeygen.pyw "FirstName LastName [N.B. Name from CC with no middle initial!]" 1234567890123456 [N.B. CC #] "bnepubkey.b64" [N.B. Output keyfile name; assumes local folder;]
2) python -s ignobleepub.pyw "bnepubkey.b64" [Input keyfile name from output of ignoblekeygen.pyw; assumes local folder;] "B&NeBookFileName.epub" [N.B. Assumes local folder;] "B&NeBookFileName_sans_DRM.epub" [N.B. Assumes local folder;]
Don't include any of the text between square brackets in the actual commands -- they're just comments.
These two steps left me with a slightly smaller (by 27 KB) .ePub book that my B&N eReader was still happy to process.
I then opened the deDRM'd .ePub version in Calibre v0.6.53 and converted it to .mobi. I moved the new .mobi version to my permanent library of eBooks, and opened it with my Kindle for PC reader without difficulty. I then, finally, copied the resulting version to my wife's Kindle, where she is now happily reading the book.
It was a matter of picking up a piece here and a piece there. Hopefully, the above will function more as a 'recipie' for the actual process of conversion. I'd say the process requires a total of about 10 minutes, allowing Calibre about 6 minutes to convert the format of the eBook.
Thanks, again, for these extremely useful Python scripts and the obviously significant amout of work the went into them.
Well, I can get the 'ignoblekeygen.pyw' to work just fine, But am unable to get the 'ignoblekey.pyw' to work. I keep getting the error 'error locating B&N Reader DB'. My DB file is named 'ClientAPI.DB', and when I edit the script and remove the underscore in the 'ClientAPI_*DB' line, I get the error 'B&N user Key not found;unexpected DB format?'. I'm wondering if B&N changed the format of their database, and version 2 script no longer works. Like I said, the other scripts work just fine, and I'll use those, but I would like to get the 'ignoblekey.pyw' script working as well. Any ideas?
I <3 cabbages: thanks so much for the great tools! Also thanks to all the help from the rest of you -- I couldn't have done it otherwise! I got a much desired book from B&N and got to read it on my Kindle last night!!!
ReplyDeleteLike Craig, I couldn't get 'ignoblekey.pyw' to work but 'ignoblekeygen.pyw' worked great so I didn't worry about it. Also, I had to make a slight change to the steps that Peter posted: I had to leave off the extension for the output file name to get it to work (otherwise I was getting 'ValueError: Key cannot be the null string') but then it did create an epub file that I converted using Calibre.
EDIT: The output file was created with no extension. I edited the filename to add '.epub' then opened it in Calibre to convert.
ReplyDeleteI am having the same problems as several of the folks above. I had to change the directory and file names to get ignoblekey to find my DB files (ClientAPI.db). When I do that I then get a "B&N user Key not found; unexpected DB format" error.
ReplyDeleteI have tried several name variations with ignoblekeygen, but when I try to run all of them through ignoblepub I end up with a "sample.epub not a B&N ADEPT EPUB" error.
Has B&N changed formats entirely? Or is that error just the result of my not having a valid keyfile?
Any ideas?
I have to apologize for a major piece of stupidity that underlies my previous comment.
ReplyDeleteThe issues with ignoblekey no longer working with the current BN Desktop Reader are valid. Everything else was based on a false premise.
The ePub document I was trying to unencrypt was not actually encrypted. Once I tried the process (ignoblekeygen and ignoblepub) on a book that was actually encrypted, instead of a "sample" that was not, everything worked as intended.
Many thanks for the incredibly useful utilities!
Thank you so much- I have been trying to get this to work all day. I purchased books @ B&N and was disappointed I was unable to read on my Jetbook I can. Thanks so much this is great.
ReplyDeleteThanks a bunch! This and ineptkey/ineptpdf have been truly invaluable tools.
ReplyDeleteI was initially getting the dreaded "key cannot be null string" error. The problem was I used the wrong CC number - both of them were associated with the account, but I added one of them after I activated my nook. Otherwise: smooth sailing so far!
Thanks everyone for the initial posts and the follow-up commentary. My wife and I will now be fighting over the Nook much less now that I can read my books on the ereader on my phone!
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ReplyDeleteI accidentally ran the key generator a second time and now it doesn't work. My error message is: "Error: problem decrypting session key." All was working fine before. Is there any way I can fix this, not too complicated please, I am not very technical
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ReplyDeleteHello all,
ReplyDeleteI had some problems particularly with "Key cannot be null string". Though now I have it all figured out. So after several revisions I have posted a simple to follow guide to remove DRM protection from your epub files.
1. Download
Barnes and Noble Desktop Reader
Pycrypto (Compatible with Python Version)
Scripts - (ignoblekeygen, ignobleepub)
2. Installing
Install B&E, download drm protected books
Install Python THEN Pycrypto
3.Generating your key
Go to Barnes and noble website
Log in and click on my account
On the right click manage credit cards.
The name under the credit card # will be he name used with ignoblekeygen (Pastie-753985)
Open ignoblekeygen (Pastie-753985)
Paste that name into the field name.
For credit card number use your full 16digit card # that you have set as the barnes and noble default credit card(no spaces). The last few digit of this card are shown above name...
Click generate and you should have your (bnepubkey.b64)
If you get "Key cannot be null string" check over your name and cc settings.
Open ignobleepub(pastie-751366)
For key open your previously generated (bnepubkey.b64)
For input file go to(my doucments/my barnes and noble ebooks/my email/)and choose your drm protected epub file.
Choose an output name and add the .epub extension.
Click Decrypt
Goodluck :)
You're awesome!!!
ReplyDeleteI was getting the Key Cannot Be Null error. My problem was that when I started ignobleepub.pyw, 'bnepubkey.b64' would already be showing in the Key File textbox and it needed to have the full path to the key file. (use the ... box)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the great tools, and thanks Lindsay for the clear directions. I have a Kindle, wanted an ebook that is not available yet in Canada, so I opened a B&N account with a U.S. address, then was able to use ignoblekeygen, etc., and Calibre to convert to mobi! Absolutely brilliant!
ReplyDeleteHey just as a mention I had some problems with downloading my books. If your trying to download Barnes and Noble books outside USA then use Hotspot Shield (google it).
ReplyDeleteAlso if you downloaded a PDB protected ebook then read the posts from the follwing site to remove DRM protection. The guide it easy to follow but in my opinion, its a more complicated process compared to removing DRM protection from Epub books.
Thanks, Lindsay, for pointing me towards to the PDB info.
ReplyDeleteAs for Hotspot Shield, I have tried it and quickly uninstalled it because I found it incredibly invasive. It ran some processes that I could not turn off or prevent from loading with autoruns.
Worked great. You're the man!
ReplyDeleteAnother thanks to Lindsay for the Missing Manual. Finally got rid of the "Null String" error.
ReplyDeleteGood work smart guy. I will now be able to buy Barnes and Nobel eBooks. (B&N, please drop the DRM. It stops people from wanting to purchase from your site!)
ReplyDeleteLindsay, thanks for the tip regarding the account info. at B&N.
ReplyDeleteI was getting the "Key cannot be null string" and that tip solved my problem!
Nice effort, very informative, this will help me to complete my task....I really like flowers
ReplyDeleteI have a problem: When I run Ignoble Key it says "could not locate B&N Reader installation". I have reader version 2.5. installed.
ReplyDeleteAny advice?
Thank you for the great work!
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Great stuff, thanks for the scripts! Absolute life saver.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much!! I have a Sony Reader and bought a book in .epub format from B&N which I then could only read on the Nook desktop software. I knew someone out there had to have cracked the DRM.
ReplyDeleteI am running Windows Vista Ultimate 64-bit and I ran into a bit of an issue. I installed Python 2.7 64-bit, and when I tried running ignoblekey it says "could not locate B&N Reader installation". Then I figured I would install PyCryto to use ignoblekeygen, it said it needed Python 2.6. I found Python 2.6.6 and finally figured out the only way to install PyCryto was to use the 32-bit version.
Anyway, after I finally got Python and PyCrypto installed, then ignoblekeygen and ignobleepub worked just fine. I used Calibre to convert .epub to .pdf, now I just have to see which one looks better on my Sony Reader. Thanks so much for these scripts!!
Okay, I thought I was computer savvy but I am about to throw my laptop through the window right now. I have downloaded Python and created the script...getting an error saying that I need to install Python seperately. I am confused and in need of help. :-( Is there anyone who can walk me through it?
ReplyDeleteSlight problem here. First of all, I am not a Python guy, preferring PERL myself ;)
ReplyDeleteAnywho, I had to make this change:
BN_APPDATA_DIR = r'Barnes & Noble\BNDesktopReader'
Yup, they changed the path name. The next problem is that the script appears to be looking for "ClientAPI_*.db". This file does NOT exist.
I am using a version of the software installed around July (no way to find the version number that I can find).
Any ideas?
Worked like a charm! Thanks, cabbage!
ReplyDeleteGet and use the old Barnes & Noble Desktop Reader - 2.1:
I had to leave off the extension for the output file name to get it to work (otherwise I was getting 'ValueError:
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ReplyDeleteI know this is kind of an old post.. but I'm having a bit of a problem. Everything works fine until I get a "Incorrect Name and/or Credit Card" error. I bought my book with a Barnes & Noble gift card and I noticed others had similar problems but I have yet to find a solution! Anyone have any ideas?
ReplyDeleteThanks, got it working now!
ReplyDeleteI had problem with the keygen since the name was not being properly encoded. My name contains a swedish 'å' character which resulted in an ascii encoding exception.
I don't know any python but with a bit of googling a got it to work for my by adding an utf8 encoding in the generate_keyfile function:
name = normalize_name(name) + '\x00'
name = name.encode('utf8');
Hope that helps.
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Why on earth would they do this?
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Wow that was awesome. I just bought 2 books from B&N, not knowing that they had their own special epub format and incompatible with Sony. Once I got the right versions of the software installed this worked like a charm right away. Thanks, you saved me money and taught me a little more Python to boot!
ReplyDeleteis than admin
I completely converted this code to C# so that people don't have to install python and stuff to decrypt their books. If anyone is interested in the source or the assemblies I can post them somewhere but I wouldn't know where. If the original poster is interested I could submit them to them.
ReplyDeleteLindsay THANK YOU!!! For the first time EVER somebody wrote something I could understand! I DID IT!
ReplyDeleteThank you iffet
ReplyDeleteHa, wow stumbled upon this again after sorting bookmarks and found heaps of people found my little guide useful.
ReplyDeleteHey cabbage, not sure if you have updated this post recently but maybe consider posting my guide at the start (with your post) or inform people that instructions are included with the files when viewing. Thanks again for the scripts :)
Thanks for giving the such a informative blog . I really like our explanations described here.
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I'm at a loss. I downloaded and installed Python (v2.7 32 bit) and PyCrypto (v2.1.0) and the old version of the BN Reader. When I run the scripts, everything appears to work just fine, but the file that I get is still encrypted - or at least it looks like encrypted gobblety-gook. :(
ReplyDeletethis wont work for me.
ReplyDeletei tried the ignoblekeygen first and the file key was generated sucessfully but when i tried to actually use it, there were errors, i was thinking about it and that might be because i but most ebooks with bn gift cards?
i tried the ignoblekey then next and that one says 'Error: Could not locate B&N Reader installation' i was thinking that might be because the name of the reader was changed to 'nook for pc'?
any ideas guys? please help! i got a kindle 3 for christmas so im trying to convert my 'nookbooks' so that my little brother can use it.
This is the most awesome program
ReplyDeleteThanks so much
It appears that B&N has gotten wise to your scripts. The nook program has been changed enough that they no longer work.
ReplyDeleteThe program itself has been renamed, the database is now housed in the user's Roaming AppData, and, worst of all, the DRM key appears to be kept on B&N's server (you no longer "activate" or "register" the PC software like you do the nook hardware; you only sign into your B&N account).
I'm having the same problem as elle. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm getting the same error as Chris, who posted above on 4.22.10: I try to run ignoblekeygen and get the following: "Error:(ERRNO 13) Permission Denied: bnepubkey.b64".
ReplyDeleteI'm running Windows 7 x64, python 2.7.1 (32-bit), and OpenSSL 1.0.0 (32-bit).
Help a fella out?
I'm strangely getting a 'not a zip file' error. Ideas?
ReplyDeletethank you
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Thanks. After several unsuccessful attempts using ignoblekeygen, I finally realized I used my nick name in my B&N account instead of my full name that's on my credit card. Once I got that all sorted, worked like a charm.
ReplyDeleteI am using a version of the software installed around July (no way to find the version number that I can find.
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THANK YOU so much!!! I have a Kindle and I got a Borders gift card for Christmas. Downloaded a book from Borders, used your conversion codes, and WHAM!!! I can read it DRM free!!
ReplyDeleteAnyone get a Error -3 while decompressing: invalid stored block lengths?
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I ordered eTextbooks online and I wanted to know if this process will allow me to read the files on my Barnes & Noble NookColor?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIf you are using a gift card, your key will still be your name and the default credit/debit card for your account.
ReplyDeleteSolution to "Python version 2.x required, which was not found in the registry."
ReplyDeleteInstall a 32bit version of python rather than 64bit. (e.g. for Windows 7 64bit)
Thank you very very much ..
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ReplyDeleteShould this DRM removal then allow the ebook to be read by any program that opens epub documents? The program successfully decrypted a nookbook, but when I tried to open it with Stanza (an iPhone ebook reader app), the contents was jibberish.
ReplyDeletePlease help.
ReplyDeleteI was able to generate the key without problems but all attempts at decryption result in Error: Error -3 while decompressing: invalid distance too far back. I have about $50 of purchased Nook books that I can only read on my laptop. I would like to get them on my NextBook2. Thanks!
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Only getting about 30% of my files successfully stripped of DRM. It seems that B&N is using some new method for many books at this point.
ReplyDeleteAnyone verify this?
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Just curious, has the key retrieval script (ignoblekey) worked for anybody here? I've seen various comments of the key generation script working but not the key retrieval script.
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Excellent - worked on the first try. "Lindsay" (above) posted a clear summary - this is what I needed. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for posting.
ReplyDeleteThe irony is that I need to use this so that I CAN buy B&N books to use on my Kindle. Their DRM would prevents me from doing such directly.
Even though I have a Kindle, B&N has a classics series they publish that I love. While I can get those books from Amazon (or free from Project Gutenberg), the B&N series have some great value add (footnotes, literary expert commentary, etc.) that I love. I use to always buy the physical books in the series. But I cannot directly buy the e-book version from B&N and use on my Kindle. So I have to do this extra work in order to allow me to buy something from them. Go figure. DRM doesn't stop the pirates. It only makes it harder for honest people. And if I was not tech savvy, B&N would be losing my $100-$200 a year in sales because of the DRM they have to "prevent losing money". Oh the irony.
For Elli:
ReplyDeleteignoblekey did not work for me either, but ignoblekeygen does. ignoblekey gives me the error "Error: Could not locate B&N Reader installation."
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